Sep 27, 2022
Brian Sanders is the Host of Podcast Peak Human, and the maker of the upcoming Podcast Food Lies, which is a documentary featuring the world’s leading scientists and nutrition experts, sharing the entire story on what we as humans are supposed to eat, why over the past 60 years dietary recommendations took a turn for...
Sep 21, 2022
Joey Schwartz is entering into his freshman year at UCLA but has already done more research into optimal nutrition than most nutritionists and has even written a 50-page paper on the subject. I didn't even want to write 50 pages when I had to at 18, let alone do it for fun. He, like so many others, has seen his family...
Sep 17, 2022
*** Audio issues are now resolved! ***
Dr. Sarah Zaldivar has a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition from the University of Miami. She had previously completed her Bachelors' and Masters' degrees in Nutrition and Dietetics in addition to a hospital internship before passing the board examination to become a...
Sep 16, 2022
This is my presentation for KetoCon discussing the evidence behind why humans are carnivorous beings. I address this from a Biological, Anatomical, Evolutionary, Anthropological, and Metabolic/Biochemical point of view for an overall picture behind why our optimal way of eating is fatty meat, in absence of everything...
Sep 16, 2022
This is my presentation for KetoCon discussing the evidence behind why humans are carnivorous beings. I address this from a Biological, Anatomical, Evolutionary, Anthropological, and Metabolic/Biochemical point of view for an overall picture behind why our optimal way of eating is fatty meat, in absence of everything...