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The Plant Free MD with Dr Anthony Chaffee

Learn how to lose fat, build muscle, and gain mental clarity on the Carnivore diet with Dr Anthony Chaffee, MD.

Dr Chaffee is a medical doctor and former professional rugby player who has spent years researching and living as a Carnivore, and has seen its benefits both in his personal life and in his patients.

You will be guided by Dr Chaffee and other experts who have proven strategies to help you smash your goals.

If you're interested in nutrition, longevity, and feeling like a superhero everyday, then you will love this podcast!

Apr 17, 2023

The Plant Free MD Series | Episode 39 | Sean ‘Sako’ Sakinofsky
In this episode Dr. Chaffee and Simon chat with Sean ‘Sako’ Sakinofsky who is a keto/carnivore elite endurance cyclist who rides for hundreds of kilometers without refueling. At 50 years old he is at the top of his game and pushing the boundaries of what mainstream science and endurance experts think is possible.

In 2006, Sean founded a supplement company which advocated the usage of carbohydrates… In 2013, after losing his father to Esophageal cancer, Sean started to “look out of the box” and see a correlation between the high carb, low fat diet and lifestyle diseases such as cancer and cardiac problems which plagued both sides of his family and most of the developed world. Going keto (and often strict carnivore), Sean stopped stuffing his pockets full of carbohydrate gels and kept riding his bike. His lifelong struggle with his bowel movements were resolved and his overall health improved. He has gone on to achieve incredible feats of endurance on his bike and is recording all his data proving that the mainstream dogma that you need carbohydrates for endurance is BS. 

Sean is a deep thinker. He takes his time with his responses, but they are worth listening to. Sit back and learn from someone putting their body on the line in an effort to improve global human nutrition. He is also an ambassador for the Noakes Foundation.

You can find Sean on Instagram here

And you should checkout Sean’s website here


Want to go strict carnivore (meat, salt and water only) for 30 days? It sounds challenging and
maybe you’ve tried and failed before but with a proven system for success including group
accountability, you can do it! You’re invited to join Dr. Chaffee’s 30 Day Carnivore Challenge,
find out more here:


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✅Spearhead tallow and soaps referral link Discount Code "CHAFFEE" for 10% off

✅Cerule Stem cells

✅CARNIVORE CRISPS: Discount Code "DRCHAFFEEMD" for 10% off all orders!

✅Shop Amazon


Contact and Follow Dr Chaffee:

✅PATREON for early releases, bonus content, and weekly Zoom meetings

✅Sign up for our 30-day carnivore challenge and group here!

✅INSTAGRAM: @anthonychaffeemd

✅TWITTER: @Anthony_Chaffee

✅TIKTOK: @AnthonyChaffeeMD

✅Apple Podcast: The Plant Free MD

✅Spotify: The Plant Free MD

✅To Sign up for a personal consultation with me, you can use my Calendly link below to schedule an appointment:

✅60 minute consultation

✅For collaborations, please email me at the below address. Please understand that I cannot give advice over email, but only in a consultation setting:

For more of my interviews and discussions, as well as other resources, go to my Linktree at: ✅

OR my website at: ✅


And please like and subscribe to my podcast here and Apple/Google podcasts, as well as my YouTube Channel to get updates on all new content, and please consider giving a 5-star rating as it really helps!

Music track: Acoustic Breeze from


This podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.

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