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The Plant Free MD with Dr Anthony Chaffee

Learn how to lose fat, build muscle, and gain mental clarity on the Carnivore diet with Dr Anthony Chaffee, MD.

Dr Chaffee is a medical doctor and former professional rugby player who has spent years researching and living as a Carnivore, and has seen its benefits both in his personal life and in his patients.

You will be guided by Dr Chaffee and other experts who have proven strategies to help you smash your goals.

If you're interested in nutrition, longevity, and feeling like a superhero everyday, then you will love this podcast!

Apr 27, 2023

Jessica is a highly trained exercise, health and human movement coach (BSR) and has been in the industry for over 20 years, with over a decade specializing in NeuroMuscular function (NRT). Neuro Reset Technique is a revolutionary treatment that strengthens the brain to optimize the body's posture, mobility and strength. NRT is a game changing, unparalleled treatment method, for clients wanting to restore, transform and heal their bodies.

Jessica's passion for health is infectious and she gets utter joy teaching people how to live the happiest, healthiest life possible, while learning all the best tricks to achieve those results fast! 

As she suffered with her own health and wellness from a child and throughout her teen years, with terrible skin, migraines, eczema, autoimmune conditions, unshiftable body fat, unhealthy digestive function, IBS and was even suspected to suffer from a rare form of cancer. She had every test done under the sun to figure out what was going on with her body. 

She personally tried every nutritional option out there, from weight watchers to juicing, vegetarianism to full supplementation by nutritionists, all based on her presenting symptoms. However, what was supposed to heal her, made everything in her body worse. Through the continuous searching and trialing, she found a carnivorous diet to be the most beneficial and regenerative way of healing from her health ailments.

Jessica understands the importance of combining NRT along with ancestral nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management and focuses on her clients whole overall wellbeing, to optimize their health with long lasting results. 

Jessica also offers incredible nutritional programs and does regular collaborations with Professor Bart Kay, to provide a science based approach to her courses. She spends her time coaching clients 1 to 1 online and in-person, dedicating her time to helping people with their health issues. Jessica has had the opportunity to learn from top scientists and specialists in her field, bringing together everything she has learned to transform lives.

Contact Jessica here:
IG: @thecarnivoremummy
IG: @thejessicatreatment
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✅Spearhead tallow and soaps referral link Discount Code "CHAFFEE" for 10% off

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✅CARNIVORE CRISPS: Discount Code "DRCHAFFEEMD" for 10% off all orders!

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Contact and Follow Dr Chaffee:

✅PATREON for early releases, bonus content, and weekly Zoom meetings

✅Sign up for our 30-day carnivore challenge and group here!

✅INSTAGRAM: @anthonychaffeemd

✅TWITTER: @Anthony_Chaffee

✅TIKTOK: @AnthonyChaffeeMD

✅Apple Podcast: The Plant Free MD

✅Spotify: The Plant Free MD

✅To Sign up for a personal consultation with me, you can use my Calendly link below to schedule an appointment:

✅60 minute consultation

✅For collaborations, please email me at the below address. Please understand that I cannot give advice over email, but only in a consultation setting:

For more of my interviews and discussions, as well as other resources, go to my Linktree at: ✅

OR my website at: ✅


And please like and subscribe to my podcast here and Apple/Google podcasts, as well as my YouTube Channel to get updates on all new content, and please consider giving a 5-star rating as it really helps!

Music track: Acoustic Breeze from


This podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.

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