Apr 22, 2022
It's always great to speak with Lillie Kane, and now she was kind enough to come on my podcast and tell her story, and get into more detail about weight loss and how to succeed on a Carnivore diet. Lillie is a certified Health & Nutrition Life coach and certified Keto Nutrition Health coach. She uses a hypercarnivore diet (a diet that is 70% or more animal foods) to optimize her health and happiness.
Lillie promotes a HYPER lifestyle and lives by the following 5 HYPER Commandments:
H: Honor thy mind. (Build the mind by reading, meditating, listening to podcasts, & trying new things.)
Y: Yield thine positivity. (Even when we are confronted with negativity, we have the choice to be kind, humble, & positive towards others & ourselves. Shine your light!)
P: Prioritize thine sleep.
E: Exercise thy body. (Get movement every day whether it be lifting weights at the gym, at home calisthenics, or taking walks outside.)
R: Reduce thine stress. (Reduce the common stressors & also use less toxic products, food, & household supplies that add stress to the body.)
Live hyper, be healthy, feel happy!
She can be found at:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LillieKane/videos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilliekane_youtube/
INSTAGRAM: Dr. Anthony Chaffee, MD (@anthonychaffeemd) • Instagram photos and videos
TWITTER: @Anthony_Chaffee
TIKTOK: @plantfreemd
For more of my interviews and discussions, as well as other resources, go to my Linktree at:
OR my website at: www.TheCarnivoreLife.com
And please like and subscribe to my podcast here and Apple/Google podcasts, as well as my YouTube Channel to get updates on all new content!
Shop Amazon https://www.amazon.com/shop/anthonychaffeemd?ref=ac_inf_hm_vp
The Carnivore Bar, Discount Code "Anthony" for 10% off all orders! https://the-carnivore-bar.myshopify.com/?sca_ref=1743809.v3IrTuyDIi
For Consults or collaborations, please email me at: AnthonyChaffee@gmail.com
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